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Installation et sécurisation d'une station Debian 3.0 stable


ANNEXE 8. Script de backup

ANNEXE 8. Script de backup


#!/bin/sh # # Debian-secinst v0.1.5 : ANNEXE 8 - Script de backup # Simon Castro # ################# # CONFIGURATION # ################# ### Set these values to run # Location of the last backup date file : The one used to get the 'from date' in incremental mode LAST_DONE_FILE=/home/system/scripts/backup/.last_done # The backup partition : it can be unmounted or mounted read-only. BACKUP_PARTITION=/backup # Set here the directories or files you want to backup (absolute location from /) BACKUP_FROM="/bin /boot /dev /etc /home /lib /root /sbin /usr /var" # Set here the filename containing the file/directories you want to exclude from the backup archive # This file must exist but may be empty EXCLUDE="/home/system/scripts/backup/exclude" # Logger phrase : Used to send the message to syslog but also displays error on stderr SYSLOG_THIS="-s -p syslog.notice -t Backup" ### Set these values for the ciphering mode # This file contains the filenames to backup separately - encoding them with the password # This file must exist but may be empty CIPHERED="/home/system/scripts/backup/include_but_ciphered" # This is the password used to encode the archive PASSWORD="toto" # This is the command used to cipher the archive CIPHER="/usr/bin/openssl enc -des3 -e -k $PASSWORD " ### Set these values if you really need to # Binaries location CAT=/bin/cat CPIO=/bin/cpio DATE=/bin/date FIND=/usr/bin/find GREP=/bin/grep LOGGER=/usr/bin/logger MD5SUM=/usr/bin/md5sum MOUNT=/bin/mount SED=/bin/sed SYNC=/bin/sync UMOUNT=/bin/umount ############################################# # SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND INITIAL CHECKING # ############################################# # Check the $CIPHERED file exists if [ ! $CIPHERED ] || [ ! -f $CIPHERED ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error : The 'ciphered' file is not set or does not exist" exit -1 fi # Check the $EXCLUDE file exists if [ ! $EXCLUDE ] || [ ! -f $EXCLUDE ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error : The 'exclude' file is not set or does not exist" exit -1 fi # Check if user forced the full mode FORCED=0 if [ $1 ] && [ $1 == "-f" ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "User forced the full backup mode" FORCED=1 fi # Remove first '/' from $BACKUP_FROM directories and go to '/' BACKUP_FROM=`echo "$BACKUP_FROM" | $SED 's/\(^\/\)\|\(\ \/\)/ /g'` cd / # Check if last_done file exist and is set LAST_DONE_DATE= if [ $FORCED == 0 ] && [ -f $LAST_DONE_FILE ] && [ -s $LAST_DONE_FILE ] then LAST_DONE_DATE=`$CAT $LAST_DONE_FILE` $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Incremental backup beginning : $LAST_DONE_DATE" else $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Full backup" fi # Check the backup partition and mount it read-write IS_RO= ISNT_MOUNTED="mounted" # Remember to always set this value to anything you want but not null if [ -d $BACKUP_PARTITION ] then IS_R0=`$MOUNT | $GREP -E "$BACKUP_PARTITION.*ro"` ISNT_MOUNTED=`$MOUNT | $GREP -E "$BACKUP_PARTITION"` if [ "$IS_R0" ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Remounting rw $BACKUP_PARTITION" $MOUNT -o remount,rw $BACKUP_PARTITION fi if [ ! "$ISNT_MOUNTED" ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Mounting rw $BACKUP_PARTITION" $MOUNT -o rw $BACKUP_PARTITION fi else $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error : Won't be able to write backup on $BACKUP_PARTITION" exit -1 fi #################### # DO A FULL BACKUP # #################### if [ ! "$LAST_DONE_DATE" ] then # Set the last_done file $DATE > $LAST_DONE_FILE # Create the backup directory DESTDATE=`date "+%d%m%y-%H%M%S"` DESTDIR=$BACKUP_PARTITION"/"full_$DESTDATE mkdir $DESTDIR # Begin the backup in the previously created directory for i in $BACKUP_FROM do # Get the date of THIS file backuping process begin and set the destination backup filename DESTDATE=`date "+%d%m%y-%H%M%S"` # Set the dest file name from its real name but move '/' to '_' DESTFILE=`echo $i | $SED 's/\//_/g'` DESTFILE=$DESTDIR"/"$DESTFILE"_"$DESTDATE".tar.gz" # Time to backup the file $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Backuping $DESTFILE" tar zcvfp $DESTFILE -X $CIPHERED -X $EXCLUDE $i > /dev/null 2>> $DESTDIR".log" # Time to check if errors occurred if [ -f $DESTDIR".log" ] && [ -s $DESTDIR".log" ] && $GREP "Error" $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error while backuping $i" else HASH=`$MD5SUM $DESTFILE 2>> $DESTDIR".log"` $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Hash : $HASH" echo $HASH >> $DESTDIR.md5 HASH= fi done # Begin the backup of the excluded directories in a cpio archive and don't forget quotas configuration files if any... cd / # First : Go to / $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Backuping excluded files into a cpio archive" DESTFILE=$DESTDIR"/excluded.cpio" for i in `$CAT $EXCLUDE` do if [ ! -f $DESTFILE ] then # First call to cpio => Create the cpio archive echo $i | $CPIO -o --quiet > $DESTFILE 2>> $DESTDIR".log" else # The Cpio archive exists => Appends data echo $i | $CPIO -o --quiet -O $DESTFILE -A > /dev/null 2>> $DESTDIR".log" # Don't forget the quotas files... $FIND $i -name "quota*.[gu]*" | $CPIO -o --quiet -O $DESTFILE -A > /dev/null 2>> $DESTDIR".log" fi done cd - # Last : go to previous directory # Time to check if errors occurred if [ -f $DESTDIR".log" ] && [ -s $DESTDIR".log" ] && $GREP "Error" $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error while backuping $DESTFILE" else HASH=`$MD5SUM $DESTFILE 2>> $DESTDIR".log"` $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Hash : $HASH" echo $HASH >> $DESTDIR.md5 HASH= fi fi ############################ # DO AN INCREMENTAL BACKUP # ############################ if [ "$LAST_DONE_DATE" ] then # Get the last_done date LAST_DONE_DATE=`$CAT $LAST_DONE_FILE` # Save the new date # What kind of incremental backup do we want ? # 1. A 'full' incremental backup from the last full backup ? # 2. A incremental backup with the day to day changes from the last full backup ? # # If you choice the 2. solution, uncomment the next line. # $DATE > $LAST_DONE_FILE # Create the backup directory DESTDATE=`date "+%d%m%y-%H%M%S"` DESTDIR=$BACKUP_PARTITION"/"incr_$DESTDATE mkdir $DESTDIR # Begin the backup for i in $BACKUP_FROM do # Get the date of THIS file backuping process begin and set the destination backup filename DESTDATE=`date "+%d%m%y-%H%M%S"` # Set the dest file name from its real name but move '/' to '_' DESTFILE=`echo $i | $SED 's/\//_/g'` DESTFILE=$DESTDIR"/"$DESTFILE"_"$DESTDATE".tar.gz" # Time to backup the file $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Backuping $DESTFILE (incremental)" tar zcvfp $DESTFILE -X $CIPHERED -X $EXCLUDE "$DESTFILE" --after-date "$LAST_DONE_DATE" $i 2>> $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null # Time to check if errors occurred if [ -f $DESTDIR".log" ] && [ -s $DESTDIR".log" ] && $GREP "Error" $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error while backuping $i" else HASH=`$MD5SUM $DESTFILE 2>> $DESTDIR".log"` $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Hash : $HASH" echo $HASH >> $DESTDIR.md5 HASH= fi done fi ########################################## # DO A CIPHERED BACKUP OF SPECIFIC FILES # ########################################## if [ -f $CIPHERED ] && [ -s $CIPHERED ] then # Time to backup the files $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Backuping $CIPHERED files" DESTFILE=$DESTDIR"/ciphered_"$DESTDATE".tar.gz" tar zcvfp $DESTFILE -T $CIPHERED 2>> $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null # Time to cipher the tarball $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Ciphering $DESTFILE" $CIPHER -in $DESTFILE -out $DESTFILE.des3 2>> $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null # Time to remove the original $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Removing $DESTFILE" rm -f $DESTFILE 2>> $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null # Time to get the hash if [ -f $DESTDIR".log" ] && [ -s $DESTDIR".log" ] && $GREP "Error" $DESTDIR".log" > /dev/null then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS "Error while backuping $DESTFILE" else HASH=`$MD5SUM $DESTFILE.des3 2>> $DESTDIR".log"` $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Hash : $HASH" echo $HASH >> $DESTDIR.md5 HASH= fi fi ################################################################# # END : Sync and : remount read-only or umount Backup partition # ################################################################# $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Syncing disks" $SYNC if [ "$IS_R0" ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Remounting ro $BACKUP_PARTITION" $MOUNT -o remount,ro $BACKUP_PARTITION fi if [ ! "$ISNT_MOUNTED" ] then $LOGGER $SYSLOG_THIS " Unmounting $BACKUP_PARTITION" $UMOUNT $BACKUP_PARTITION fi

Copyright (c) 2003 Simon Castro, scastro [ at ]

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