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Installation et sécurisation d'une station Debian 3.0 stable


ANNEXE 2. Génération automatisée de rapport système

ANNEXE 2. Génération automatisée de rapport système

#!/bin/sh # # Debian-secinst v0.1.2 : ANNEXE 2 - Génération automatisée de rapport système # Simon Castro # ### VARIABLES # Do we also mail the report ? OK_TO_MAIL=1 # Report variables CURRENT_DATE=`/bin/date "+%d%m%y-%H%M%S"` REPORT_NAME=`/bin/hostname` # mail variables MAIL_ADDR="root" # File to store variables REPORT_DIR=/home/system/scripts/reports/ REPORT_FILE=$REPORT_DIR$REPORT_NAME"_"$CURRENT_DATE"_report.log" # Logger variables SYSLOGGED_NAME="System" LOGGER_FILE="/usr/bin/logger -p -t $SYSLOGGED_NAME -i -- $REPORT_NAME system report : $REPORT_FILE" LOGGER_MAIL="/usr/bin/logger -p -t $SYSLOGGED_NAME -i -- $REPORT_NAME system report : mailing to $MAIL_ADDR" # Formatage du rapport INDENT_IT='s/\(.*\)/\ \ \ \ \1/g' ### MAIN # Tell syslog we are going to run the system report script $LOGGER_FILE # Get the report values DISK_SPACE=`/bin/df -lh | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` PROCESS_LIST=`/bin/ps aux | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` INTERFACES_LIST=`/sbin/ifconfig | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` INTERFACES2_LIST=`/bin/netstat -in | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` ROUTAGE_LIST=`/bin/netstat -rn | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` CONNECTIONS_LIST=`/bin/netstat -tunap | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` STRANGE_FILES=`/usr/bin/find / \( -nouser -o -nogroup -o \( -type f \( -perm -004000 -o -perm -002000 \) \) \) -exec ls -la {} \; 2> /dev/null | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` LOG_FW_ACCEPT=`/bin/cat /var/log/fw_accept.log | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` LOG_FW_DENY=`/bin/cat /var/log/fw_deny.log | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` LOG_SECURITE=`/bin/cat /var/log/sécurité.log | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` ### Warning : the next two lines are only one command line QUOTAS_GROUP_LIST=`/usr/sbin/repquota -gva | /bin/sed 's/\*\*\*/\\ \*\*\*/' | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` ### Warning : the next two lines are only one command line QUOTAS_USER_LIST=`/usr/sbin/repquota -uva | /bin/sed 's/\*\*\*/\\ \*\*\*/' | /bin/sed "$INDENT_IT"` # Create the report { /bin/cat <<EOF Rapport système $REPORT_NAME - `/bin/date` Système : --------- Espace disque : --------------- $DISK_SPACE Quotas groupes : ---------------- $QUOTAS_GROUP_LIST Quotas utilisateurs : --------------------- $QUOTAS_USER_LIST Processus : ----------- $PROCESS_LIST Réseau : -------- Interfaces (/sbin/ifconfig) : ----------------------------- $INTERFACES_LIST Interfaces (/bin/netstat) : --------------------------- $INTERFACES2_LIST Routage : --------- $ROUTAGE_LIST Connexions : ------------ $CONNECTIONS_LIST Test du système : ----------------- Vérification des permissions fichiers (nouser/nogroup/suid/sgid) : ------------------------------------------------------------------ $STRANGE_FILES Fichier de log sécurité : ------------------------- $LOG_SECURITE Fichier de log des connexions refusées par le firewall : -------------------------------------------------------- $LOG_FW_DENY Fichier de log des connexions acceptées par le firewall : --------------------------------------------------------- $LOG_FW_ACCEPT done -- - `/bin/date` EOF } > $REPORT_FILE if [ $OK_TO_MAIL ] && [ $OK_TO_MAIL == 1 ] then $LOGGER_MAIL /bin/cat $REPORT_FILE | /usr/bin/mail -s "$REPORT_NAME system report" $MAIL_ADDR fi

Copyright (c) 2003 Simon Castro, scastro [ at ]

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